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Hair Growth Oil combining Rosemary Oil, Peppermint Oil, Jojoba Oil and array of beautiful cold pressed oils known for their extraordinary hair benefits.


The secret to beautiful hair the right way!


Hair can be subjected to a number of factors that result in hair loss, dryness, frizz, undernourished, and split ends.  Some of these factors include excessive use of heat in hair styling, colouring, environmental factors such as pollution and the overuse of hair styling products.


Oiling is one of the easiest and most beneficial ways to nourish the hair, protect it and keep it healthy.


Our luxurious hair oil combines some of natures most proven & potent oils known for their unique hair nourishing properties.  It is multi-purpose and can be used daily, as a weekly mask or pre-shampoo.



Goddess Hair Oil

  • All Hair Types. Our wildcrafted organic and natural multi-purpose hair oil suitable for all hair types formulated to nourish, protect, create shine, hydrate and encourage hair growth.

Authority to Leave

Locally Crafted Australia Rewards

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